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Control Buttons / Switches for Panel Mounting Series 8003/1.1; Control Buttons / Switches for Panel Mounting Series 8003/1.2; Control Buttons / Switches for Panel Mounting Series 8003/1.3; LED Indicating Lamps for Panel Mounting Series 8013/.2. LED Indicating Lamps for Panel Mounting Series 8013; LED Illuminated Pushbutton for Panel Mounting. Design a website, host your entire business; data storage. Develop a worldwide identity for your business. Online marketing, social media manager. Wix discount coupon. After this, go through and number each letter of the alphabet from 1 to 26 so that A=1, B=2, and complete this pattern. This code, while fairly simple, is also easy to crack. You could try switching it up by reversing the order of the numbers from the beginning (A=26), or by numbering normally for the first half of the alphabet and reversing. Under the leadership of Philip Newman, CPA and his team at RSM, industry experts and several clubs managers collaborated to provided content for this certificate program through webinars and conference education including Mark A. Bado, MCM, CCE, Bobby Crifasi, CCM, CCE, CPA, Mick Nissen, CCM, Jeffrey Kreafle and the experts from John Deere, Global Golf Advisors, The Boothe Group and PBMares, LLP.

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CodeTwo are experts in their field and their Exchange and Outlook products are excellent - from the user's interface, right down to the engine.

Diane Poremsky
Microsoft MVP (Office Apps & Services)

I'm confident that administrators would be saved a great deal of configuration headaches if they used CodeTwo solutions.

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Microsoft MVP (Office Servers and Services)

The ability to securely assign individual users management of signatures without enabling any Exchange administrative rights, and using Azure AD as SSO, makes CodeTwo secure.

William Bressette
Microsoft MVP (Failover Clustering)

I really like CodeTwo products. Things that used to be a pain, suddenly become easy as 1, 2, 3.

Ratish Nair
Microsoft MVP (Office Servers and Services)

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CodeTwo programmers are perfectionists who are passionate about what they do. That's all it takes to create products that every company wants.

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New tool: CodeTwo Exchange Rules Converter

Published on 23.10.2020 by Kamil Glaser

Great news for all admins using CodeTwo Exchange Rules and Exchange Rules Pro to manage their email signatures. We've just released CodeTwo Exchange Rules Converter. This tool lets you easily migrate rules defined in the CodeTwo Exchange Rules product family to CodeTwo Email Signatures for Office 365. Thanks to that, if you follow the trend.

End of Mainstream Support for Exchange 2016

Published on 06.10.2020 by Adam the 32-bit Aardvark

End of Mainstream Support for Exchange 2016 is planned for October 13, 2020. It means that 5 years after its release, this on-premises server enters the Extended Support period. The end of extended support (or end of life) for Exchange Server 2016 is planned for October 14, 2025. Read on to learn how this affects. learn more »

This is the fourth of a new series of posts on ASP .NET Core. This week, we'll be looking at the use of HTTPS in ASP .NET Core projects (using HTTP/1.1 today) and also HTTP/2 support for future ASP .NET Core projects.


If you're reading this blog post, you're probably familiar with HTTPS and the little lock symbol that appears on websites that have a valid SSL certificate. It's actually TLS these days, and you can read more about SSL, TLS and HTTPS here:


Recently, the popular Google Chrome browser received an update that automatically displays a 'Not Secure' message for any website that doesn't use SSL. To address this, I updated this blog site to ensure that all embedded content use HTTPS when the site is loaded with HTTPS. I took it one step further and always enabled SSL so that site visitors going to (with just HTTP) will be redirected to

This site is a WordPress site, so I was able to make the last change by installing a free plugin called Really Simple SSL.

If you're not convinced you need SSL, just read this thread on Twitter:


I so often get re-explaining from others that 'localhost doesn't need local https'. eyeroll.

this is not universally true. this tweet thread is the last time i'm gonna explain. henceforth it will just be linked to.

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— getify (@getify) July 28, 2018 Deck set 2 0 5 – simple presentation creator software.

EDIT: If you need another nudge in the right direction, here's a gentle reminder from Troy Hunt, a well-known influential computer security expert in the Microsoft world. Troy highlights an anti-HTTPS debate that illustrates why it doesn't make sense to be against it.

Ah, the memories! This just came across my timeline again today, I've since been blocked for this and those tweets were deleted. Some people are *really* passionate about (not using) HTTPS!

— Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) November 6, 2018


For years, it has been too easy for ASP .NET developers to build Web Apps and Web APIs without any HTTPS during development. It wasn't uncommon for web application developers to make excuses about not running their web apps with SSL on their local development environments, even if the application needed to be deployed to production with SSL (which production app doesn't?).

So, what's changed now? ASP .NET Core 2.1 has made it really easy to get started with SSL from Day 1. Depending on your development tool and your operating system, the steps may vary.

On Windows or MacOS, you can simply type the following CLI command:

You should see a popup asking you whether you want trust the certificate or not. Paw 3 1 7. Confirm the popup to install the development certificate.

For more options (including the removal of a dev cert), use the –help option, as shown below:

What about Linux? For Linux, you'll have to perform distro-specific steps for trusting the dev certificate, since there isn't a standard way to do this across various Linux distributions.

To get an SSL certificate for use in production, refer to your SSL instructions in your web' host's documentation. For documentation on IIS7 or Azure, see the following instructions:

  • IIS7:
  • App Service:

SSL (TLS!) in Visual Studio

EDIT: As mentioned at the beginning of this article, it's actually TLS these days, even though people talk about SSL and SSL certificates. You may revisit the aforementioned Symantec article on SSL, TLS and HTTPS. Thanks, Jon Galloway, for reiterating this during the ASP .NET Community Standup on Tue Oct 30, while kicking off the standup with this blog post. 🙂

Visual Studio 2017 makes it even easier to create an SSL certificate for use with ASP .NET Core projects during development. When you create a new project in VS 2017 using any of the templates, there is an option to 'Configure for HTTPS'. Unless you have some unusual reason not to enable SSL, you should leave this option on to enable SSL.

When you create a new project using VS 2017 or dotnet new, the following code should be included within the template-generated project, inside the Configure() method of the Startup.cs class.

The call to app.useHsts() is typically used in a Production environment, and should be wrapped in the else portion of an if statement that checks whether you're in a Development environment or not. To learn more about HSTS, check out the following documentation:

  • Using HSTS while enforcing SSL:

Minecraft half life 2 texture pack. The call to app.UseHttpsRedirection() is what allows your application to always force HTTPS usage by redirecting site users to the HTTPS version of your site even if they attempt to browse the HTTP version of your site.

To see this in action, check out the Startup.cs file from my earlier sample projects, from my previous blog posts, e.g.

MVCWebApp from PagesDemo:


HTTP/2 in ASP .NET Core

Before we wrap up, let's cover some high-level information on HTTP/2. First of all, what is it and why should we care? HTTP has been around for decades, without any push for a major upgrade since 1.1. Until now. With HTTP/2's introduction in 2015 and browser support pouring in since then, dev tools and web servers are also allowing any developer to make use of the features that HTTP/2 has to offer.

On the roadmap for ASP .NET Core 2.2, it mentions support for HTTP/2 in Kestrel and HttpClient:

  • ASP .NET Core 2.2 Roadmap:

While Kestrel's HTTP/2 doesn't have everything you would expect in HTTP/2 at this time, the ASP .NET Web Dev Blog has a good writeup on this:

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  • ASP .NET Blog:

Benefits of HTTP/2 include header compression and fully multiplexed streams over the same connection. According the above documentation, this 'allows multiplexed streams over the same TCP connection' which is coming in ASP .NET Core 2.2, so stay tuned!

For more on HTTP/2, check out Daniel Roth's video on 'What's new in ASP .NET Core?' from .NET Conf 2018 (September 2018), in the following video. You may jump straight to 39:00 to get to the part about HTTP/2 in ASP .NET Core.

  • HTTP/2 @ 39:00:

The corresponding source code can be obtained on Github:


  • What's coming in ASP.NET Core 2.2:
  • ASP.NET Core 2.2 Roadmap:
  • HTTP/2 in Kestrel:
  • Developing locally with ASP.NET Core under HTTPS, SSL, and Self-Signed Certs – Scott Hanselman:
  • Enforce HTTPS in ASP.NET Core:
  • How to make an Azure App Service HTTPS only:
  • Securing an Azure App Service Website under SSL in minutes with Let's Encrypt:
  • Bind an existing custom SSL certificate to Azure Web Apps:

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